The safety and health of employees in foundries has top priority. Further improving the high standards is a vital part of our activities. Therefore, we support the European Network for Silica (NEPSI) and participate in their biennial reporting. NEPSI is the first European multi-sectoral social dialogue agreement of its kind and was founded in 2006. It aims to protect the health of employees exposed to respirable crystalline silica in 18 industry sectors. NEPSI focuses on applying good practices and increasing the knowledge and awareness about potential health effects. The reporting helps to create a reliable database of the actual values based on 8 key performance indicators. You can download the latest reporting here:
Nepsi Executive Summary Report 2020.pdf
In addition, NEPSI has completely revised its Good Practice Guide ( Therefore, the EFF prepared foundry-specific content. It provides guidance on the proper management and safe use of crystalline silica materials in the workplace and supports companies to ensure the necessary safety provisions. The entire document was revised in terms of content and digitality and was published in an appealing format including an e‑learning module at the end of 2020. The Good Practice Guide is currently only available in English, but translations into other languages will follow soon.