NEPSI released revised Good Prac­tice Guide

by | Feb 19, 2021

ThNepsi Logoe safety and health of employ­ees in foundries has top pri­or­ity. Fur­ther improv­ing the high stand­ards is a vital part of our activ­it­ies. There­fore, we sup­port the European Net­work for Silica (NEPSI) and par­ti­cip­ate in their bien­nial report­ing. NEPSI is the first European multi-sec­toral social dia­logue agree­ment of its kind and was foun­ded in 2006. It aims to pro­tect the health of employ­ees exposed to res­pir­able crys­tal­line silica in 18 industry sec­tors. NEPSI focuses on apply­ing good prac­tices and increas­ing the know­ledge and aware­ness about poten­tial health effects. The report­ing helps to cre­ate a reli­able data­base of the actual val­ues based on 8 key per­form­ance indic­at­ors. You can down­load the latest report­ing here: Nepsi Exec­ut­ive Sum­mary Report 2020.pdf

In addi­tion, NEPSI has com­pletely revised its Good Prac­tice Guide ( There­fore, the EFF pre­pared foundry-spe­cific con­tent. It provides guid­ance on the proper man­age­ment and safe use of crys­tal­line silica mater­i­als in the work­place and sup­ports com­pan­ies to ensure the neces­sary safety pro­vi­sions. The entire doc­u­ment was revised in terms of con­tent and digit­al­ity and was pub­lished in an appeal­ing format includ­ing an e‑learning mod­ule at the end of 2020. The Good Prac­tice Guide is cur­rently only avail­able in Eng­lish, but trans­la­tions into other lan­guages will fol­low soon.