European Foundry Industry Sentiment

Novem­ber 2021: Throw­back at the end of the year While the assess­ment of the cur­rent busi­ness situ­ation for non-fer­rous metal foundries has been declin­ing in stages since June, the situ­ation for iron foundries has so far remained stable at a high level...

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

Octo­ber 2021: Threat of Setback In Octo­ber, the European Foundry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) dropped sig­ni­fic­antly. The decrease of 1.0 index points was the largest month-on-month drop since April 2020 when the first wave of Covid-19 infec­tions hit Europe. The...

European Foundry Industry Sentiment

Septem­ber 2021: Facing chal­lenges on many fronts In Septem­ber, the European Foundry Sen­ti­ment Indic­ator (FISI) roughly main­tained its pre­vi­ous month’s level. The mar­ginal decrease of 0.1 points brings the index to a value of 109.6. A slightly improved...

Alarm­ing Raw Mater­i­als and Energy Costs Situation

The cur­rent global devel­op­ments in the raw mater­i­als and energy mar­kets rep­res­ent a sig­ni­fic­ant threat to European foundry industry con­tinu­ity. Without imme­di­ate polit­ical action, the eco­nomic recov­ery and future of skilled indus­trial work­force is...

EFF Year­book 2020 published

​Data of unique scope and depth show the impact of the Covid-19 pan­demic on European foundries. While the European pro­duc­tion of non-fer­rous metals decreased by 19.2 % over­all, the pro­duc­tion of iron, nod­u­lar iron and steel cast­ings decreased by 19.8 %...