Gen­eral Con­di­tions of Sales — Span­ish ver­sion is now available

by | Jun 21, 2019

From now on the EFF Gen­eral Con­di­tions of Con­tract­ing can be down­loaded in
five dif­fer­ent lan­guages:
Besides Eng­lish, French, Ger­man and Italian, the Con­di­tions are also avail­able in Spanish.

Please find all latest ver­sions at Down­loads / Links


About the Gen­eral Con­di­tions of Sales:

The Gen­eral Con­di­tions of Con­tract­ing were estab­lished accord­ing to the cur­rent cus­toms in the mem­ber coun­tries of EFF. Each mem­ber coun­try there­fore recog­nises their legal value, which is attrib­uted by its own legis­la­tion to pro­fes­sional cus­toms. They apply to the cli­ent whatever its own nation­al­ity. They define the rights and oblig­a­tions of the foundry and the cli­ent for sup­ply con­tracts for foundry products in fer­rous and non fer­rous metals, asso­ci­ated mater­i­als as well as settlements/benefits and ser­vices which the foundry could be led to give/supply to the client.
They there­fore con­sti­tute the legal basis of these con­tracts for all pro­vi­sions, which do not come under par­tic­u­lar writ­ten conventions.



EFF Con­tact:

Sophie Stef­fen
phone: +49 211 68 71 — 301