European Foundry Industry Sentiment

August 2020: European foundries con­tinue to face no pos­it­ive out­look after the Covid-19 out­break After a sharp drop and its low­est level in May, the Busi­ness Cli­mate Indic­ator for the euro area recovered for the third time in a row in August. How­ever, the...

EFF Rep­res­ent­ing the European Foundry Industry in Seville

EFF The European Foundry Asso­ci­ation rep­res­en­ted the interests of European foundries in Seville. Dur­ing a two-day work­shop final­ising the ques­tion­naire for data col­lec­tion in the con­text of the revi­sion of the Best Avail­able Tech­niques (BREF...