About us

EFF — The European Foundry Fed­er­a­tion
Umbrella organ­isa­tion of the European foundry industry, estab­lished in 1953. EFF deals with eco­nomic, tech­nical, legal, and social issues. Its mem­ber­ship includes the national foundry Fed­er­a­tions from 22  European countries.

Focus On

EFF — the European Foundry Fed­er­a­tion — is the alli­ance of 23 national foundry Fed­er­a­tions from 22 European coun­tries. The European Foundry Fed­er­a­tion was estab­lished in 1953 and thus belongs to the pion­eers of the European uni­fic­a­tion pro­cess. The Gen­eral Sec­ret­ariat has been situ­ated in Düs­sel­dorf since 1997.

It is the stat­utory mis­sion of EFF to look into any and all ques­tions that are of import­ance to the foundry industry, be they eco­nomic, tech­nical, legal, or social. EFF under­takes activ­it­ies which aim to develop national foundry indus­tries and co-ordin­ate their shared inter­na­tional interests.

In other words: EFF is a uni­ver­sal organ­isa­tion which cov­ers the entire vari­ety of cast­ing mater­i­als, com­bin­ing the activ­it­ies of an industry fed­er­a­tion and a tech­nical soci­ety of foundries.


The activ­it­ies of the com­mis­sions focus on issues of gen­eral interest, i.e. mat­ters con­cern­ing the entire foundry industry, inde­pend­ently of national affil­i­ations.
There are cur­rently two com­mis­sions within EFF, Com­mis­sion for Envir­on­ment, Health & Safety and Com­mis­sion for Eco­nom­ics & Statistics.

The organ­isa­tion of EFF groups is based on mater­ial cat­egor­ies. There are cur­rently groups for steel cast­ings and non-fer­rous metal castings.

The sec­tions of EFF are product-related. Cur­rently, there are EFF sec­tions for auto­mot­ive cast­ings, con­tinu­ous cast­ing, cast­ings for gen­eral engin­eer­ing, rolls, pre­ci­sion cast­ings and wind tur­bine castings.

The activ­it­ies of EFF are twofold

Firstly, to endorse the interests of the foundry industry towards European and other insti­tu­tions and author­it­ies. What is more, EFF is increas­ingly being addressed by world­wide part­ners in all mat­ters relat­ing to the foundry industry of Europe, which in many regions of the world is mean­while regarded as a single unit.

Secondly, the activ­it­ies of EFF also focus on pro­mot­ing inform­a­tion exchange among national foundry Fed­er­a­tions, and on coordin­at­ing the activ­it­ies of national Fed­er­a­tions wherever this appears indic­ated to bene­fit the industry, as a whole.

EFF has a well developed insti­tu­tional struc­ture to enable cooper­a­tion between national foundry fed­er­a­tions includ­ing com­mis­sions, groups, and sec­tions which handle EFF’s prac­tical work.

EFF also has a Com­mit­tee of Man­aging Dir­ect­ors and the Office of the Sec­ret­ary Gen­eral both of which con­cen­trate on coordin­at­ing the activ­it­ies of the vari­ous com­mis­sions, groups and sec­tions as well as rep­res­ent­ing EFF to stake­hold­ers and the wider public.


2022 — PARIS / FRA

On 23 and 24 Septem­ber 2022 EFF Pres­id­ent Chiara Danieli wel­comed Pres­id­ents an Man­aging Dir­ect­ors of the EFF mem­ber fed­er­a­tion in the name of Fédéra­tion Forge Fonderie in Paris

2021 — BILBAO / ESP 

On 24 ‑25 Septem­ber 2021 the EFF Coun­cil assembled in Bil­bao. Mr Ignacio DE LA PENA from FEAF (Span­ish Fed­er­a­tion of Foundry Fed­er­a­tions) chaired the meeting.


Due to the Covid-19 pan­demic the rep­res­ent­at­ives of the EFF mem­ber fed­er­a­tions held a vir­tual meet­ing chaired by Mr Ignacio de la PEÑA, Pres­id­ent of the EFF and the Span­ish Fed­er­a­tion of Foundry Fed­er­a­tions, on 2 Octo­ber 2020.

2019 — ZAGREB / HR

The Coun­cil assembled in Zagreb on 31 May — 1 June 2019. Mr Josip MARTISKOVIC of the Croa­tian Cham­ber of Eco­nomy, Industry and Tech­no­logy Depart­ment chaired the Council.

2018 — SOMMAROY / NO

The Coun­cil assembled in Som­maroy on 15–16 June 2018. Mr Oddb­jörn MAURDALEN of Norsk Indus­tri chaired the Council.


The Coun­cil assembled in Ljubljana on 9–10 June 2017. Mr Borut TRIPLAT of Metals Fed­er­a­tion — Cham­ber of Com­merce and Industry of Slov­e­nia chaired the Council.


On 25 Novem­ber 2016 the EFF Coun­cil assembled for an extraordin­ary work­ing meet­ing. Mr Niyazi AKDAS chaired the meeting.

2015 — ISTANBUL / TR

The Coun­cil gathered in Istan­bul on 29–30 May. Mr Niyazi AKDAS from TUDOKSAD The Turk­ish Foundry­men’s Fed­er­a­tion chaired the Council.


The EFF Coun­cil gathered in Guimarães on 13–14 June. Mr Luis Filipe VILLAS-BOAS from Asso­ciação Por­tuguesa de Fun­dição (APF) chaired the Council.

2013 — HELSINKI / FI

The Coun­cil assembled in Hel­sinki on 10–11 June. Mr Pasi MÄKİNEN from the Fed­er­a­tion of Finnish Tech­no­logy Indus­tries Fed­er­a­tion of Finnish Foundry Product Indus­tries chaired the Council.

Exec­ut­ive Board

Chiara Danieli

Chiara Danieli

Pres­id­ent of EFF

Com­mit­tee of Man­aging Directors

The mem­bers of the Com­mit­tee of Man­aging Dir­ect­ors con­sists of the Man­aging Dir­ect­ors of the EFF national mem­ber Federations

Com­mis­sions / Groups / Sections

Com­mit­tee of Man­aging Directors

EFF The European
Foundry Fed­er­a­tion

Dr Fynn-Willem Lohe (Sec­ret­ary General)

T: (+49 211) 68 71 277
E: info@eff-eu.org

Com­mis­sion for Envir­on­ment, Health & Safety

Bundes­verb­and der Deutschen
Gießerei-Indus­trie (BDG)

Franco Vicentini (Chair­man)                 Dr. Chris­tian Schi­mansky (Sec­ret­ary)

T: (+49 211) 68 71 200
E: info@eff-eu.org

Com­mis­sion for Eco­nom­ics & Statistics

Bundes­verb­and der Deutschen
Gießerei-Indus­trie (BDG)

Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe (Chair­man)
Johannes Kappes (Sec­ret­ary)

T: (+49 211) 68 71 291
E: info@eff-eu.org

Non-Fer­rous Metal Cast­ings Group (former: HPDC)


Dormant status

T: (+39 02) 48 40 09 67
E: a.bianchi@assofond.it

Steel Cast­ings Group

Bundes­verb­and der Deutschen
Gießerei-Indus­trie (BDG)

Marthe Prunier (Chair­wo­man)
Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe (Sec­ret­ary)

T: (+49 211) 68 71 277
E: info@eff-eu.org

Auto­mot­ive Cast­ings Section

Bundes­verb­and der Deutschen
Gießerei-Indus­trie (BDG)

Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe (Sec­ret­ary)

T: (+49 211) 68 71 277
E: info@EFF.eu

Con­tinu­ous Cast­ing Section

Bundes­verb­and der Deutschen
Gießerei-Indus­trie (BDG)

Dormand Status

T: (+49 211) 68 71 217
E: info@eff-eu.org

Invest­ment Cast­ing Section

Cast Metals Federation

Dr. Pamela Murrell

T: (+44 121) 601 6397
E: admin@cmfed.co.uk

Rolls Sec­tion

Bundes­verb­and der Deutschen
Gießerei-Indus­trie (BDG)

Dr. Georg Hemets­ber­ger (Chair­man)
Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe (Sec­ret­ary)

T: (+49 211) 68 71 277
E: info@eff-eu.org

Wind Tur­bine Cast­ings Section

Bundes­verb­and der Deutschen
Gießerei-Indus­trie (BDG)

Dr. Roberto Ariotti (Chair­man)
Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe (Sec­ret­ary)

T: (+49 211) 68 71 277
E: info@eff-eu.org

Gen­eral Engin­eer­ing Section

Bundes­verb­and der Deutschen
Gießerei-Indus­trie (BDG)

Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe (Sec­ret­ary)

T: (+49 211) 68 71 277
E: info@eff-eu.org